12 research outputs found


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    In this thesis, a genetic fuzzy image filtering based on rank-ordered absolute differences (ROAD) and median of the absolute deviations from the median (MAD) is proposed. The proposed method consists of three components, including fuzzy noise detection system, fuzzy switching scheme filtering, and fuzzy parameters optimization using genetic algorithms (GA) to perform efficient and effective noise removal. Our idea is to utilize MAD and ROAD as measures of noise probability of a pixel. Fuzzy inference system is used to justify the degree of which a pixel can be categorized as noisy. Based on the fuzzy inference result, the fuzzy switching scheme that adopts median filter as the main estimator is applied to the filtering. The GA training aims to find the best parameters for the fuzzy sets in the fuzzy noise detection. From the experimental results, the proposed method has successfully removed mixed impulse noise in low to medium probabilities, while keeping the uncorrupted pixels less affected by the median filtering. It also surpasses the other methods, either classical or soft computing-based approaches to impulse noise removal, in MAE and PSNR evaluations. It can also remove salt-and-pepper and uniform impulse noise well


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    In this thesis, a genetic fuzzy image filtering based on rank-ordered absolute differences (ROAD) and median of the absolute deviations from the median (MAD) is proposed. The proposed method consists of three components, including fuzzy noise detection system, fuzzy switching scheme filtering, and fuzzy parameters optimization using genetic algorithms (GA) to perform efficient and effective noise removal. Our idea is to utilize MAD and ROAD as measures of noise probability of a pixel. Fuzzy inference system is used to justify the degree of which a pixel can be categorized as noisy. Based on the fuzzy inference result, the fuzzy switching scheme that adopts median filter as the main estimator is applied to the filtering. The GA training aims to find the best parameters for the fuzzy sets in the fuzzy noise detection. From the experimental results, the proposed method has successfully removed mixed impulse noise in low to medium probabilities, while keeping the uncorrupted pixels less affected by the median filtering. It also surpasses the other methods, either classical or soft computing-based approaches to impulse noise removal, in MAE and PSNR evaluations. It can also remove salt-and-pepper and uniform impulse noise well

    Rancang Bangun Company Profile E-Life Solutions Plt Berbasis Web Sebagai Corporate Branding

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      E Life Solutions PLT (ELS) adalah sebuah perusahaan spin off dari Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) yang didirikan untuk mengkomersialkan fasilitas laboratorium dan keahlian di UTM. Perusahaan selalu memberikan informasi terbaru untuk meningkatkan reputasinya di pasar, mulai dari profil hingga produk dan jasa yang ditawarkan, namun kegiatan branding ELS saat ini masih tidak terstruktur. Kurangnya informasi jelas mengenai profil ELS, website yang tidak diperbaruhi isinya secara teratur, kaku dan kurang menarik sehingga menghambat dalam memberikan informasi. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, maka diperlukan suatu website company profile yang dapat digunakan sebagai sarana promosi dan branding perusahaan. Oleh karena itu, penulis membangun website company profile sebagai corporate branding yang dapat memberikan informasi dan memperkuat branding perusahaan serta tampilan informasi pada website company profile E Life Solutions dapat diterima oleh pengguna. Website dibuat menggunakan CSS Framework, HyperText Markup Language (HTML), mySql dan PHP de   E Life Solutions PLT (ELS) adalah sebuah perusahaan spin off dari Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) yang didirikan untuk mengkomersialkan fasilitas laboratorium dan keahlian di UTM. Perusahaan selalu memberikan informasi terbaru untuk meningkatkan reputasinya di pasar, mulai dari profil hingga produk dan jasa yang ditawarkan, namun kegiatan branding ELS saat ini masih tidak terstruktur. Kurangnya informasi jelas mengenai profil ELS, website yang tidak diperbaruhi isinya secara teratur, kaku dan kurang menarik sehingga menghambat dalam memberikan informasi. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, maka diperlukan suatu website company profile yang dapat digunakan sebagai sarana promosi dan branding perusahaan. Oleh karena itu, penulis membangun website company profile sebagai corporate branding yang dapat memberikan informasi dan memperkuat branding perusahaan serta tampilan informasi pada website company profile E Life Solutions dapat diterima oleh pengguna. Website dibuat menggunakan CSS Framework, HyperText Markup Language (HTML), mySql dan PHP dengan menggunakan metode Website Development Life Cycle (WLDC). Website ini memiliki fitur home, about us, our business, our experieces, news dan contact us serta fitur tambahan seperti banner dan feedback form. Dengan tercapainya rata-rata persentase kepuasan antarmuka pengguna, website company profile E Life Solutions diterima dengan sangat baik oleh pengguna.     ngan menggunakan metode Website Development Life Cycle (WLDC). Website ini memiliki fitur home, about us, our business, our experieces, news dan contact us serta fitur tambahan seperti banner dan feedback form. Dengan tercapainya rata-rata persentase kepuasan antarmuka pengguna, website company profile E Life Solutions diterima dengan sangat baik oleh pengguna.   &nbsp

    Pembelajaran Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak dengan Metode Problem-Based Learning di Politeknik Negeri Batam

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    Software Engineering (SE) is one of the core courses in Informatics Engineering. Teaching SE faces many challenges because the objective of this course is that the students are able to create many artifacts along the software development process, not merely recalling information or theory that has been taught. It is often found that students cannot synchronize their work starting from the early phase of software development until the last stage of implementation. The unavailability of reference books that explain software engineering steps, including the implementation, accompanied by relevant case study that is easy to be understood by students is also a hindering factor. Therefore, this paper will propose a teaching method for SE course which implements problem -based learning. The proposed method includes material composition; problem, project, and team; sessions in the class; tools utilization; and assessment methods. This method considers the outcomes of SE course in the past, and its tight relation with other courses, such as Final Project I and Object Oriented Programming

    Pemetaan Sebaran Mahasiswa Politeknik Negeri Batam Berdasarkan Asal Sekolah Menggunakan WebGIS

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    Kebutuhan untuk memperoleh informasi secara cepat dan mudah telah menjadi kebutuhan pokok masyarakat, tidak terkecuali bagi kalangan pelajar, mahasiswa, pihak penyelen ggara pendidikan, pemerintah dan sebagainya. Informasi geografis merupakan salah satu informasi yang dibutuhkan. Informasi geografis yang dimaksud salah satunya adalah sebaran mahasiswa Politeknik Negeri Batam khususnya jurusan Teknik Informatika yang berasal dari sekolah-sekolah di Kota Batam. Aplikasi yang dibangun berbasis web dan mengintegrasikan ArcGIS ini dapat memberikan informasi asal sekolah berupa SMA atau SMK disertai informasi, jumlah dan informasi mahasiswa dari sekolah tersebut. Penyajian peta dalam aplikasi ini dikemas dalam penyajian sederhana dan mudah dipahami oleh pengguna. Diharapkan hasil penelitian ini dapat memudahkan pihak-pihak yang membutuhkan informasi geografis sebaran mahasiswa Politeknik Negeri Batam

    Aplikasi Penjualan Pulsa Elektronik Berbasis Android

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    Nowadays, a mobile phone has transformed into a smartphone and not only used for communication. Further, then that, the mobile phone becomes a versatile item. You can use a mobile phone for browsing on the internet, you can pay something you buy using a mobile phone, you can order something you want via mobile phone, etc. everything gets easier because we can use mobile phone wherever and whenever we need. And to support the use of mobile phones, we need credit as a payment. Mobile credit transaction application for Android Devices is an application with user-friendly design and can make the credit’s seller easier to top up customer’s credit. This application can be used on an Android smartphone with minimal version android KitKat. The benefit of this application is to facilitate and accelerate the transaction credit delivery by the seller. This application is expected to facilitate the credit’s seller doing transaction by providing a transaction history, mark the customer’s debt and reports a valid seller's income as well as provide a report format the transaction automatically after the user do some settings at the beginning of the use of the application

    Pembuatan Website Sebagai Media Promosi Wisata Pulau Mubut

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    The development of information technology that is fast and easy to use, allows someone to quickly publish certain objects. Information technology also contributes to the introduction and existence of an area that has tourism potential. If the tourism potential of an area is not carried out properly and correctly, it will not be known by many people. As the island of Mubut should be able to do. Mubut Island, which has a lot of potentials, can be a promotional tool to attract local and foreign tourists, especially tourism. One of the problems that arise from tourism management lies in the lack of good promotional strategies and the absence of clear and accurate sources of information about the potential of Mubut island tourism. Utilizing a website as a promotional medium is a good choice to achieve this. Therefore, in this service activity, we will build a website that can later be used as a means of promotion and training will be conducted in managing website content for the operator appointed as the person in charge of the website.Perkembangan teknologi informasi yang cepat dan mudah digunakan, memungkinkan seseorang untuk mempublikasikan objek tertentu dengan cepat. Teknologi informasi turut berperan dalam pengenalan dan eksistensi suatu kawasan yang memiliki potensi wisata. Jika potensi wisata suatu daerah tidak dikelola dengan baik dan benar maka tidak akan diketahui banyak orang. Seperti yang seharusnya bisa dilakukan pulau Mubut. Pulau Mubut yang memiliki banyak potensi dapat menjadi sarana promosi untuk menarik wisatawan lokal maupun mancanegara, khususnya pariwisata. Salah satu permasalahan yang muncul dari pengelolaan pariwisata terletak pada strategi promosi yang kurang baik dan tidak adanya sumber informasi yang jelas dan akurat tentang potensi pariwisata pulau Mubut. Memanfaatkan situs web sebagai media promosi adalah pilihan yang baik untuk mencapai hal ini. Oleh karena itu dalam kegiatan pengabdian ini kami akan membangun sebuah website yang nantinya dapat digunakan sebagai sarana promosi dan akan dilakukan pelatihan-pelatihan dalam mengelola konten website bagi operator yang ditunjuk sebagai penanggung jawab website tersebut

    Participatory WebGIS Wisata Pulau Setokok

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    Abstract— The Kelurahan of Setokok Island offers various tourist attractions with plenty of supporting facilities. In addition, Setokok Island, which is part of Batam City, has a very strategic position in the Sijori route, which contributes to the many visits by tourists, both local and international. However, all tourist objects on Setokok Island had not been managed properly. In addition, there is no complete information regarding the distribution of these attractions and the facilities they provide that can be accessed directly online. To address the potential and solve the problems, one of the actions that can be implemented to develop the tourism sector is a participatory mapping of tourist attractions and the facilities they provide in a complete, actual, and valid way in the kelurahan of Setokok Island. The results are then published in the form of WebGIS that can be accessed directly online so that more people will know all the tourism potential there. Hopefully, the local tourism sector in Setokok Island will develop and will directly improve the micro economy of the people of Setokok Island.Abstrak— Kelurahan Pulau Setokok menawarkan beragam objek wisata yang melimpah dan ditunjang dengan fasilitas pendukung pariwisata yang cukup memadai.Selain itu, Pulau Setokok, yang merupakan bagian dari Kota Batam, memiliki posisi yang sangat strategis di jalur Sijori, yang sertamerta menarik wisatawan lokal maupun mancanegara. Akan tetapi, sampai saat ini keseluruhan objek wisata yang ada di Pulau Setokok belum dikelola dengan baik. Ditambah lagi, belum tersedia informasi lengkap terkait sebaran objek wisata tersebut dan fasilitas pendukungnya yang dapat diakses secara online dan terbuka. Berdasarkan potensi dan permasalahan diatas, salah satu aksi yang dapat diterapkan untuk mengembangkan potensi wisata tersebut adalah pemetaan secara partisipatif objek-objek wisata dan fasilitas pendukungnya secara lengkap, actual, dan valid di Kelurahan Pulau Setokok.Hasilnya kemudian dipublikasikan dalam bentuk WebGIS yang dapat diakses secara online dan terbuka sehingga masyarakat luas akan semakin mengenal segala potensi wisata di sana. Harapannya, sektor pariwisata lokal di sana akan berkembang dan secara langsung akan meningkatkan perekonomian mikro masyarakat Pulau Setokok

    Pemanfaatan Hasil Tangkap Ikan melalui Pelatihan Pembuatan Pempek di Kampung Rempang Cate

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    The number of tourists and the fame of a long sand beach is still lacking, therefore it is necessary to introduce to the public about the beauty and marine products that are owned on Pasir Panjang beaches. This service community was carried out to socialize the benefits of marine products through training in making Pempek in the Pasir Panjang Coastal Village. We have carried out this service with the Partner of RW 03 Pasir Panjang, Pasir Panjang Village, Rempang Cate District on Friday, July 27, 2018. The questionnaire results of Speaker questionnaire with a Likert Scale, equipment and Room were found that the interpretation score from all observation was all worth 100% and include in the interval category very well, which meant that it was rated very well by 18 respondents. While for the consumption questionnaire the interpretation of the score of the observations is worth 95.556% and is included in the interval category Very Well which means it is rated very well by 18 Respondents. The results of monitoring on October 22, 2018 were obtained information that there were residents who had made Pempek and sold in Pasir Panjang environments, while production and sales had stopped due to constraints Limited fishing results. The results of the questionnaire obtained the most suggestions for further training to hold Crafts, other input so that the training activities continued. The results of the questionnaire obtained the most suggestions for further training is handicraft, other input so that the training activities continued.Jumlah wisatawan dan kemahsyuran pantai pasir panjang hingga saat ini masih dirasa kurang, oleh karena itu perlu di kenalkan ke masyarakat luas tentang keindahan dan hasil laut yang dimiliki di pantai pasir panjang. Pengabdian ini dilakukan untuk sosialisasi manfaat hasil laut melalui Pelatihan pembuatan Pempek di Kampung Pesisir Pasir Panjang. Pengabdian ini telah kami laksanakan dengan Mitra RW 03 Pasir Panjang Kelurahan Pasir Panjang Kecamatan Rempang Cate pada Hari Jumat tanggal 27 Juli 2018. Hasil Kuesioner Pemateri dengan pengukuran Skala Likert, Peralatan dan Ruangan didapatkan bahwa interpretasi skor hasil pengamatan semuanya bernilai 100% dan masuk dalam kategori interval Sangat Baik yang berarti dinilai sangat Baik oleh 18 Responden. Sedangkan untuk kuesioner konsumsi interpretasi skor hasil pengamatan bernilai 95,556% dan masuk dalam kategori interval Sangat Baik yang berarti dinilai sangat Baik oleh 18 Responden. Hasil monitoring pada tanggal 22 Oktober 2018 didapatkan informasi bahwa terdapat warga yang telah membuat pempek dan berjualan di lingkungan pasir panjang, sedangkan produksi dan penjualan sempat berhenti karena terkendala Hasil tangkap ikan yang terbatas. Hasil kuesioner didapatkan saran terbanyak untuk selanjutnya agar diadakan pelatihan adalah Kerajinan tangan, masukan lainnya agar kegiatan pelatihan berlanjut

    How to Deeply Analyze the Content of Online Newspapers Using Clustering and Correlation

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    The increase in the number of visitors is one of the keys to increasing income for online newspapers, whether to increase the number of ads, Google AdSense, or customer trust. Therefore, finding which news categories increase the number of visitors needs to be known and analyzed more deeply. Because it is very common to add content to online newspaper sites every day, even for hours, this pattern analysis is not the same as analyzing regular website content patterns. This study intends to add methods in the world of research on how to analyze website content, especially online news, by using the clustering method to classify what news categories bring high, medium, or a low number of visitors and then analyzing the correlation to explore the depth of the relationship between the variables, namely which parameters have a large or low effect on the increase in the number of visitors. A local Batam-based online newspaper company is used as a case study for this research. Data is collected, preprocessed first, and analyzed using the clustering and correlation method. This analysis of the news content readership suggests what news categories should be optimized because it provides an increase in the number of visitors. A summary of the analysis steps in this study is presented. We also provided some suggestions if other online newspaper owners or researchers are interested in a similar analysis of online news content